For Me?..... Hannif Please
Here am I oh Alamin
Awaiting the command of our Lord
I hold fast in persistent contemplation of His Ayat
I bear with me the burden of the pleasures of our Lord
With patience I have denied myself
Most of the pleasures and the gratifications
Of the days of my flesh on earth
I partake not in the indulgence of my will
Most time in the days of my youth
I have deprived me of the pride of dignity
I go so low as such that I consider it necessary
To suit me with ropes of sack clothes and rags
That I may attain Piety to serve the purpose of our Lord
That he may test you in believe and in humility, with the wealths of the earth and in servitude of humanity.. oh Alamin.
Still, in patience I await.
I have gone against the norms of the days of my flesh and have done things that defiles dignity and pride
That I may attain Tarawa for the salvation of my people
That our Lord - Allah- be pleased with us in the land of Africa where He has kept us
But the Blackman is diseased in his heart
Crooked in his ways and
Wicked in his thoughts
Just as the rest of his siblings of the human species
And to you all Alamin I have been sent
To the hearts of those who consent
Here then are the outcome of the Analysis which we have performed on the people who dwell in Africa
The dark skinned descendants of Adam