Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Hannif Please

For Me?.....  Hannif Please

Here am I oh Alamin

Awaiting the command of our Lord

I hold fast in persistent contemplation of His Ayat

I bear with me the burden of the pleasures of our Lord

With patience I have denied myself

Most of the pleasures and the gratifications

Of the days of my flesh on earth

I partake not in the indulgence of my will

Most time in the days of my youth

I have deprived me of the pride of dignity

I go so low as such that I consider it necessary

To suit me with ropes of sack clothes and rags

That I may attain Piety to serve the purpose of our Lord

That he may test you in believe and in humility, with the wealths of the earth and in servitude of humanity.. oh Alamin.

Still, in patience I await.

I have gone against the norms of the days of my flesh and have done things that defiles dignity and pride

That I may attain Tarawa for the salvation of my people

That our Lord - Allah- be pleased with us in the land of Africa where He has kept us

But the Blackman is diseased in his heart

Crooked in his ways and

Wicked in his thoughts

Just as the rest of his siblings of the human species

And to you all Alamin I have been sent

To the hearts of those who consent

Here then are the outcome of the Analysis which we have performed on the people who dwell in Africa

The dark skinned descendants of Adam

Thursday, April 12, 2018



Oh! Oh! Oh! Subḥānahu wa ta'alā  
Indeed you are the Supreme Diety
and the Echelon of all Authority
If indeed have you have called me
To Serve you by your name
then manifest yourself
and show your Power in my Situation

My Adversories are laughing at me
They rejoice over my predicament
Those who construct my Problems
and those who Endorse my Defficulties

Those who want me fall
and those who do not wish me well
Reward them with a Painful Punishment
Bless me with your Mercy
And Forgive me with your SAlvation

Those who want to see me down
They have made themselves tools
for the use of Iblees the Shaytan
They think they have deceived me
But Allah is forever aware
Of that for which you Conceive
By the heavens, The Idols and it's Agents
You Shall be put to shame.

Saturday, December 16, 2017



These guys, These guys right here.
These guys here represented

We have been Illuminated by
The lights of the Sciences,The Arts,
Technology and those of the Laws

Have been Informed by the
Wisdom of the Quran, The Torah
and those of the Prophets
We have known the truth as Spoken
by the Tao Te-Ching and the Upanishads
Dianetics and the Scriptures of the Known
Modern (Man) World

The Heavens has sent us from the future
That we may inform the present
Teach them of the Past and the Hereafter
to Prepare them for what is to come

for Which is more troubling to say

World War III
or Kill Yourselves.

(We survived the first, and Second
 We will survive this one,
 We Survived the White-man, 
 We Survived what came after them,
 and We Survived the Army
 We Survived the Plague, and the Famine
 We will Survived this one - the former,
 and the Later
The Later can only Be a Directive
from a High Religious Priest
as did the Prophet Moses in the Wilderness
In the Camp of the People of the Scripture)

For Evolution has chosen us
to prepare the way and set motion bound The Blueprint
in the Crystal before the people
That he whoever set on the trails
of our Father Abraham (pbuh)
May seek guidance and find thereof

for Allah our maker has Burdened us
With These Tasks
But to follow we must
With Obedience to the last detail therefore.

Our Mission and Directive

"Mark on the Face of our World (Africa)
an Outline for the Defense of Our Strong Might
as Allah has Instructed"

This is a divine purpose and call from the Almighty
And Comply we Must to the Last Command..

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Blessed By Gabriel, Enchanted By Mephisto

I lie next to a saint
And in the morning I had it with Jazebel.
Well thanks to St. Christin
She no longer listen to the Confession of sins

I danced with Mephisto At the Cathederal.
With Azonto for Praise and Alanta for Hymn

I've got Ify for a Sugar gorgeous Mummy.
And if I put - in the Lord
I would sound like every other
Nigerian Christian Fellow in my Creed
Back for Back and face to face in the faith

I write you cause
You and Papa have created a place
where my Giftings have been
Inspired to Ignite a wildfire in the Lagoon.
I mean the Baldguy and
Long may he live.

But I have just come to understood you for the first time
The moment I decripted the Schematics for the Spaceship.
I said "Fiction"
In hopes that you'll come to understand me as well.

Friday, April 22, 2016



Someone gave me Jesus
Another gave me Science Fiction
They both gave me
The same thing “Salvation”
As long as the both showed me
The path the leads to God
Only difference is in fiction
Science is a little more complicated
For it accommodates pacman
And allows room for Bmahomet

And Kamikaze.


Totem … my Taboo
They said Moses invented God
Jesus found Isaiah, Jeremiah and Moses
The Europeans found Jesus
And they gave it to us (Africa)

The East found Bmahomet
Mahomet found the law
The law became Islam
Islam found Arabia
Arabia found Saud
And Saudi gave Islam to us (Africa)

The Egyptians knew Arithme-science
The Europeans leant science
And the Europeans knew science
And Science discovered America
Americans found Freedom
Freedom found modern Science Fictions
And still they gave it to us (Africa)

The Aryans found the castes
The Aryans had Gautama
And Gautama found Buddha
And he gave it to the East
And the east brought it to us (Africa)

Africa the central dumping ground
For the Ancient and Modern
Wisdom and vices of the world
It’s just an African man’s reflection upon
His environment and self.



The first was the father
The second was the mother
The third was the child
Then died the father
And thus, Ham
Became the father to his brother