Friday, April 22, 2016


Totem … my Taboo
They said Moses invented God
Jesus found Isaiah, Jeremiah and Moses
The Europeans found Jesus
And they gave it to us (Africa)

The East found Bmahomet
Mahomet found the law
The law became Islam
Islam found Arabia
Arabia found Saud
And Saudi gave Islam to us (Africa)

The Egyptians knew Arithme-science
The Europeans leant science
And the Europeans knew science
And Science discovered America
Americans found Freedom
Freedom found modern Science Fictions
And still they gave it to us (Africa)

The Aryans found the castes
The Aryans had Gautama
And Gautama found Buddha
And he gave it to the East
And the east brought it to us (Africa)

Africa the central dumping ground
For the Ancient and Modern
Wisdom and vices of the world
It’s just an African man’s reflection upon
His environment and self.

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