Thursday, March 17, 2016



the east-most point of africa
Horn.... where the desert meets the
indian ocean and arabian sea

the year, 2028, mankind shall again
do battle with nature
this time around, the bluefish will
engage the sharks of the ocean
in a battle for supremacy, of insticts and of wits

Victor will serve as guardian of our nation
in the underworld of our territory waterways
when the imf,wb,Goldman sach, un
the kingdoms of the sun and stars,
the children of Abraham and Rama.
Discendants of Oduduwa, Chukwu
and the great nations of the west
shall consent to the thoughts
of the infirmedman

then men shall once again declare to himself
we are the gods of the underworld
for his deployment of non-invassive
biotechnology.... a weapon for the prevention 

of sharks and men attack.




YES! Ihave the hat of a wican
and i dwell in the midst of
electronics and computing wizards of the pInternet
yes! though we are yet roadbound for stonehenge,
for the solstice extracurricula sextivities

AND YES! my pinterest is in a poppy soul
with a telescope lens camera
she has the eyes of the oracle
but sees naught the thoughts of the blackviper

YES! she wispers with the tone of a serpent
and andromeda way flee I
when i behold the vernom from her tongue
with faeces from my gullet to my belly
still I am, the embodiment of a miracle



for how can i forsake my science?
a religion that has brought to being
the internet
a religion through which artist and scultors
has come to the comprehend the word;

And for the numberdman
the directions to decode the presence of the
BEING .... in ones and zeros

who has given GOD to blackman?

to the cleared and to the prophets
the wisdom to understand the realms
and the dimensions, the personality of the BEING

But how can you keep me from fiction?
ywhen in reality....
the best impression any artist can ever make
A meta-4D animation system.
mama nature operates it.
powered by the cosmos srvchine
the sun, inpenetrable by hackers
she never goes down
the engine and the processors

mercedez and intels can never make

but i'm a superstitiousman
i beleive in science in as much
As you beleive in Bahomet,
In Moses, and in Jesus, and in pacman
st. Pimpimbique has the key
that opens dianasbox
and the science contained

it is like a prophecy for the stupidyman
but the light comes to africa
for the experiment
it is one of the bardest shows.

the world has ever sin
and at the end...
god remains god... but change
and lives



your own case can not make god a lier
whether you live or die
it does not change his status

he has been good to me and to countless
several others
he woke me up everyday by his grace 
and tender mercies.
he clothes me up with the best yerns
can i ever afford by his loving kindness
and compassions

wether you've eaten today or not
it is not of his doings or mine
but it is all yours to tune the frequency of 

your head
and seduce the bearer of your needs


the prophecy

the prophecy

if you beleive in horoscope and in divination
call up your favourite astrologers and 

surmon your priests and your prophets and
ask them,'but for to what is the meaning
for to what is the signs of the infirmed man?
what is the prophecy for the darkman?
with the horn

for in the year, 2050.

what was neglected will be celebrated
and for him, ... a devotion
of scholars of men from all lands
and kingdoms of the earth
a dedication of the living members
of the existence and Beings
in search of the cleus

mankind has reverse her course in migration
midward in the same direction where
slaves and freemen where taken to the west
and to the east
for the same reason he has always sojorned
material advantage and economic security

better now, easier than then
transportation and communication
for the blackman and yellowman
he can now speak english and francaise

for science and for mormon

for there is but, one eagle.
the bird with the two heads
for whom everyman must bend the knee
american gentlemen or arabian knights
ciora to the west, kruggerborb to the east
with her belly in the middle

man must bow before him
in the name of our lord jesus and bahomet
for allah and for yhwh
for the gold and for the velvet
for the power and for the means
man kind has come to the middle.

Saturday, March 5, 2016



I consider Dan holy
and regard those of Aaron Sacred
My con-science do not blame me
therefore am I sadified

though blemished by the craft of men
and before their eyes. But
before the presence of the Holy Science
I am but one of the Beings animated by his
T'was given me free of charge
I did not ask for it
Nay: I did not see it come but
had to suffer the pain
Now I see the world only in a 
two dimensional angle. But
I am grateful for it
Better than a three dimensional hardware
with an improper soft sequence 
to operate its logic functions
Why it's dangerous.



The art of seduction works only
on those who cares

It is naught for these cold bloody
bastards on suite for
they have come only
But to stpilf, treat and deal her unfair

But Diane, She's a fair lady
she's got room for every crook on gray

Whoo - EEE! Bring ten kay



I wish I was here to tell
only about our lord Jesus Christ
you know?

Jesus at my right, Jesus at my back
Jesus to my left, Jesus before me
Diane in me and me in the middle
'cause. She loves me too

But Jesus died for my sins
and Science has kept him alive
for so many many years
until he comes again , But
that will be till his kingdom come

like it happened in the s'a Equator state
you know?
Histories and civilization buried in the mud
with none left to tell the tale of the rapture
everyone made it straight to either
the inferno or paradise
for the realm of here was quaken'd



If there's a woman who's not Diane
In whom my fantasies are aroused for seduction
She'll be Victoria Beckham

But that isn't going to happen
Reason? She's already taken by one
O' the Baddest English Players in the camp




He who knows naught
and knows not that
He knows naught
He is ; Yet a Fool.

But how can he Know?
when he has Known-one
But to teach him?
safe you.

But how can you teach him?
when you have to 
Keep him ignorant in order
that he may follow others

Therefore come with me
to the house of the living Science
that ye may: from this bondage
liberate thyself.

But the House of the living Science' BAD
But then you'll tell me
who's not .......... Who'Bad?