for how can i forsake my science?
a religion that has brought to being
the internet
a religion through which artist and scultors
has come to the comprehend the word;
And for the numberdman
the directions to decode the presence of the
BEING .... in ones and zeros
who has given GOD to blackman?
to the cleared and to the prophets
the wisdom to understand the realms
and the dimensions, the personality of the BEING
But how can you keep me from fiction?
ywhen in reality....
the best impression any artist can ever make
A meta-4D animation system.
mama nature operates it.
powered by the cosmos srvchine
the sun, inpenetrable by hackers
she never goes down
the engine and the processors
mercedez and intels can never make
but i'm a superstitiousman
i beleive in science in as much
As you beleive in Bahomet,
In Moses, and in Jesus, and in pacman
st. Pimpimbique has the key
that opens dianasbox
and the science contained
it is like a prophecy for the stupidyman
but the light comes to africa
for the experiment
it is one of the bardest shows.
the world has ever sin
and at the end...
god remains god... but change
and lives
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